(2019 – 2022)
(1) Flucht | Flight

180 x 135 cm & 60 x 45 cm | C-Print | each Edition of 5 (+ 2 e.a.)

180 x 135 cm & 60 x 45 cm | C-Print | each Edition of 5 (+ 2 e.a.)

180 x 135 cm & 60 x 45 cm | C-Print | each Edition of 5 (+ 2 e.a.)
Meer | Sea

95 x 209 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

95 x 209 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

95 x 209 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

65 x 150 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

65 x 150 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

65 x 150 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

65 x 150 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

65 x 150 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

65 x 150 cm | C-Print & pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy
Wüste | Desert

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)

90 x 135 cm | Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper
Edition of 7 (+ 2 e.a.)
(2) Soziale Schere | A Social Gap
(Auswahl | Selection)
(3) Ökologische Krise | Environmental Crisis
Brand | Fire

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy

78 x 65 cm | C-Print, mounted & framed
Interventions on the surfaces | Unique copy
Das Projekt befasst sich mit drei krisenhaften Phänomenen und dem Desinteresse, das ihnen von weiten Teilen der Gesellschaft entgegengebracht wird. Thematisiert wird Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber Klimawandel und Naturzerstörung mit ihren Folgen, gegenüber den globalen Fluchtbewegungen und gegenüber den wachsenden sozialen Unterschieden.
Die einzelnen Kapitel der Trilogie befassen sich mit den Themenkomplexen Ökologische Krise, Flucht und Soziale Schere, die Ausstellung zeigt aber auch ihre enge Verstrickung untereinander.
Die Bilder und Videoarbeiten vermitteln einen stumpfen Blick auf diese Krisenphänomene. Anhand verschiedener medialer und motivischer Positionen aus der Landschaftsfotografie, der Street Photography sowie des Experimentalfilms werden das Ausweichen und Umgehen thematisiert.
The project deals with three crisis phenomena and the disinterest shown towards them by large parts of society. The themes are indifference to climate change and the destruction of nature and its consequences, to global refugee movements, and to growing social differences.
The individual chapters of the trilogy deal with the thematic complexes of ecological crisis, flight and social disparity, but the exhibition also shows their close entanglement with each other.
The images and video works convey an obtuse view of these crisis phenomena. By means of different medial and motivic positions from landscape photography, street photography as well as experimental film, evasion and circumvention are thematized.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von | With kind support from